What the Punk!?

Jarrett Dapier; Drummer, Librarian, Children's Picture Book and Graphic Novel Author Part 3

Episode Summary

This guy is just a plain kick ass dude who does interesting shit all the time. This should be all the summary you need to listen. Did you read the title of the episode?- Drummer, Librarian, Author, and oh yeah I forgot to mention he could have joined the Blue Man Group. Still not sold? He also got to drum at the White House on Halloween during the Obama Administration. Okay, if that doesn't do it. How about he saw Smashing Pumpkins play in a manure field with his wife? I mean talk about being a super fan. Come on, it's time to give Jarret a listen.

Episode Notes



Bands and songs appearing in this episode:

Def Leppard  "Armageddon It"

Europe "Rock The Night"

Skid Row "Youth Gone Wild"

Poison  "Look What The Cat Dragged In"

Poltergeist Soundtrack /  Jerry Goldsmith  "Carol Anne's Theme" & "The Calling / The Neighborhood"

Tortoise "Along The Banks Of Rivers"

Motley Crue  "Shout At The Devil"